The hot water generated by burning wood, firstly goes to the domestic hot water cylinder and when this is satisfied, to the storage vessels (and the radiator circuits if this is required).
When the boiler charge has burned completely the fan stops and unused heat remains stored in the accumulator tanks to be drawn on when required.
One burn lasting 2-3 hours per day usually meets the needs of this householder.
An oil boiler has been installed in parallel to be used as an alternative and sometimes a supplement to the wood boiler. A thermostat on the storage tank can be activated to fire the oil boiler if the temperature falls below a set point to maintain a minimum amount of heat stored.
The oil boiler can be set to provide domestic hot water only or central heating only and the 800 litre storage vessels can be closed off electrically at this time.
N.B. This cannot be done if the wood boiler is switched on.
The recommended storage capacity is 2500 litres achieved in this installation by the use of three accumulator cylinders. Two 800 litre and one 500 litre and an additional 300 litre domestic hot water cylinder. |