A 23m. underground submain of insulated pipes connects the boiler room to the main house.Then the hot water is delivered to a 300L. heat store cylinder containing a high efficiency heat exchange coil which delivers mains pressure domestic hot water to the bathrooms and kitchen.
The cylinder also supplies a distribution system for three seperate radiator circuits:
- Upstairs Radiators
- Downstairs Randiators
- Towel Railings and airing cupboard
These three circuits are separately timed to allow complete control.
The cylinder also has a coil to accept input from the solar panels on the roof and the control box has a contactor to isolate the immersion heater if the cylinder temperature rises above the set point of 90*. Similarly, if the cylinder is below the set point of 40*, the radiator circuits are isolated to allow temperature recovery.
The heat expansion is absorbed by 80L expansion vessel in the boiler room. There is a temperature and a pressure relief valve on the cylinder and a pressure relief valve in the boiler room. |